3220 E. Sharon Rd. Cincinnati, OH 45241

Our Services

Contact us today to discuss how Nu-tech Polymers can be your
strategic partner for your plastic and polymer needs.

Our Services

Contact us today to discuss how Nu-tech Polymers can be your strategic partner for your plastic and polymer needs.

Plastic Resin Distribution And Polymer Formulation

Nu-Tech Polymers supplies polymer resins in many forms for nearly all industries. Our line includes prime resins, reformulated resins, custom formulated resins, and regrind resins. We are a full-line supplier of all the foundational polymers you need for all your manufacturing needs. Given our vast experience in polymer chemistry Nu-Tech Polymers has the capability to custom formulate specific resins to meet your needs. As a distributor for Dart Polymers polystyrene Nu-Tech has a broad range of polystyrene resins to meet our customers’ needs. The Dart Polystyrene line includes both crystal and impact products.

Closed Loop Recycling

Nu-Tech’s recycling evaluation begins with whether or not it makes sense for the client to initiate a closed loop recycling program of their plastic material with Nu-Tech. We offer both grinding services as well as converting the regrind back to a pellet. Nu-Tech provides the closed-loop recycling client a detailed summary of the material flow from the time the scrap material leaves the client’s plant to the time that the material is returned to their facility. With a series of checks and balances Nu-Tech constantly strives to make sure that material quality is job one.

Open Loop Recycling

For open-loop recycling customers Nu-Tech provides several transportation options. Nu-Tech can provide on-demand pick-up of scrap materials utilizing either a 48- or 53-foot trailer depending upon volume. We can provide automatic pick-up intervals for materials. Nu-Tech also has the ability to spot trailers at the customer’s facility. A dropped trailer increases the utilization of plant space and decreases the movement of scrap materials within the customer’s plant. Nu-Tech will also accept corrugated and metals in the event that the client has less than truck load quantities of these materials.

Verified Product Destruction

Nu-tech offers several different destruction options to clients requesting such a service. On-site verification can easily be scheduled to meet our clients’ destruction time table. Upon completion of the destruction process these destroyed materials can either be returned to our client or these materials can be re-purposed into a recycled product based upon further re-melting of the plastic product into a reformulated plastic resin.

Quality Service

We are dedicated to providing top quality customer service and satisfaction.